Review in Metallian

For those who didn’t know ELEND, firstly, you just have to notice that the band doesn’t use drums, bass or guitars. Everything is well structured around orchestrations, classical harmonies guided by two soprano priests and the two founding members. To follow the concept elaborated for the debut album, “Leçons de Ténèbres”, this offering is a black haunting release. ELEND confirm their originality and their will to gather the black metal fans and the fans of classical music. “Les Ténèbres…” seems to be more complex musically, more refined, with brutal parts where Iskandar expresses his suffering and where Eve and Nathalie haunt that symphony of divine voices, led by Renaud, the conductor! I will advise this disc to all the open-minded, to those who like to feel the violence of a classical symphony, to the ones who appreciate originality and at the end, to the fans of dismal sensations!

Fabrice Cassaro
Metallian issue 15, English version (May/June 1996)